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Lash & Brow Artists Job Challenges + Trends and Statistics

Thinking about what seems to be the biggest trend in the Beauty Industry, let’s talk about lash artists and some of the challenges they face as small business owners working with appointments, clients, schedules and constant need to attract new clientele.

In numbers, according to a report published on Reuters, “the global market for false eyelashes has been witnessing high demand for the last few years and is projected to reach $1,754 million by 2023 compared to $1,147 million in 2017”. That makes it a good business to be in.

North America is dominating the False Eyelashes Market with over 36.78% of the global market share and is projected to reach around $1,754 million by 2023. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest growing region for false eyelashes market. In Asia Pacific, India is expected to grow at the highest rate followed by China and Japan over the forecast period.

Eyelashes trends had increased enormously lately. The decorations and possibilities are endless. Here’s a proof of it. To mention just a few of the crazy options, you could see “spider eyes”, “pompom eyelashes” (yes, it means exactly that: having pompoms placed on your lashes), “flower lashes” (glueing flower petals on your lashes), “carton lashes” and some others even crazier options which are not worth mentioning.

According to statistics 50% of women having lash extensions are 18-34 year olds. The millennials are the ones that most embrace the new trend. The topic in more details in this article about “the millennial infatuation with eyelash extensions”.

Millennials don’t want to spend time applying their mascara in the morning anymore. They are a busy generation and they feel they free more time in their schedule by getting eyelash extensions. That gives them less work in the morning while doing their makeup. Their lashes need to be long, full and glamorous in order to make their beautiful eyes shine like diamonds in the sky without any work on their part, except for the salon visits.

Wider and more lifted eyes are the desires of most of the clients having lash extensions. 98% of them are women. They want a deep look that makes an impact, charming eyes that can tell sweet stories through the lashes, without any words needed. So lashes are fascinating. They can make people fall in love as there’s poetry in a look. “Your eyelashes will write on my heart the poem that could never come from the pen of a poet.” (Rumi)

Being a lash artist is a beautiful job. 80% of the artists are either satisfied or very satisfied with their careers. The clients are usually quite pleasant and they are appreciative of the service received. First thing many of the clients do as they get their new set of lashes on, is to post a picture on Instagram, calling their artist a “lash goddess” and bragging publicly about their attractive new look.

There are joys of the lash artist job and some concerns or frustrations too. Let’s see what would some of the challenges be:

Clean lashes only in theory, not in reality. According to studies, the number one frustration for lash artists are clients coming in with a poor lash hygiene. Artists stress the importance of a strict eyelash cleaning regime and even show the clients during their appointment how it’s done. Clients cross their heart that they’ll do it accordingly. Just that they don’t. So next time they go in for a fill, the lash area is full of makeup and dirt. Not a pretty sight for the artist and frustration sets in as it takes time to clean. Precious time out of the appointment which leaves less time for the lash fill. 

Is there a practical solution for this to improve? Yes, there is, especially if you’re a Goldie app user. You can send your clients text message reminders before their next appointment, taking advantage of the “Notes” section in your Goldie app. Write the comment there and add the “Notes” field to your client reminders. You can even make the note fun. Maybe something like this could work “keep those lash babies clean and cute, hun”. :)

Here’s how Eyelash Extensions Boston informed their clients to come to their lash fill appointments: “Please arrive with no eye makeup, especially no mascara and/or eyelash curling. Also do not use any oil-based products. If you normally wear contact lenses, please bring the case for them. Last few weeks I'm spending around 20 minutes for each client just to clean makeup. I have no extra time for your appointment for cleaning lashes so you have left less time for lashes. If you’re coming after work you can come earlier and use the bathroom to clean your lashes please.” The message was written on their Facebook page and it explains straight forward the serious amount of time wasted on cleaning, if the client doesn’t follow a proper eyelash hygiene. 

For best aftercare instructions on how to clean your eyelash extensions the experts have some advice. They admit that while lash extensions are convenient and time-saving, they're not always easy to clean. Especially if you're a lash extension newbie.

Fixing other technician’s work, would be the number two challenge for lash artists, according to Glad Lash Inc. study. Have you seen some of those social media pictures with terrible eye lashes and wrong brow lines? A number of lash artists post those online with the comment “not my work”, then another picture with the end result after working on the client. 

There are indeed truly talented licensed professionals out there and you’re probably one of them. So you get angry when you see clients being taken advantage of by unskilled and inexperienced technicians. There’s smoke coming out your nose because of how much effort and passion you put in everything you do, always providing a stellar lash service. You’d probably secretly think there should be a “hall of shame” having those technicians names and pictures on it.

Thank God you quickly come to your senses though, as your good character reminds you to approach the situation with gentleness, professionalism and wisdom. If the client went to the wrong specialist and there’s nothing good you can say about the end result, please be kind and resist the urge to bash the other lash artist. If you don’t want to correct their work, you can absolutely refuse to fix a terrible job done by someone else. You can do it elegantly, saying you only fill your work. But don’t make derogatory comments about the other artist’s work. Deep breath, kind smile and end of story.

Attracting new clients is another of the top concerns for a lash artist who is a small business owner. That is probably the reason why lash artists answered they are "most satisfied when they find it easy to attract new customers". It is encouraging news to read in the reports that 78% of artists use social media marketing. A very important detail as they admit that the main source of clients is word of mouth and social media. 89% of artists use Facebook and 72% use Instagram, 50% have a website and a third of them are blogging. If you’re one of them and keep yourself pretty active online, hats off to you!

If you’re not on social media, or just you post something online every now and then without putting too much thought into it and without making sure your lash pictures are decent, there might be a serious stream of income you’re  missing out on. Many potential clients that did not hear of you are just a click away. So even if you’ve heard it a lot, let me just remind you once again about the power of the online community.

Your business needs to be there and you should be posting your work as frequently as possible. Also please use good pictures that do justice to your work. That shows the excellent lash service you provide and it’s also a good indicator that you’re busy and booked. You know it that people want to get appointments with booked professionals as the trust level is higher.

A full appointment book is a sign of a great service provided, and while talking about this, I'd like to add here how Goldie can be a tremendous help for lash artists. You can read testimonies online on the App Store and Google Play reviews as well as on our social media channels.

For example, Rachel from “Brow and Beauty Parlour” told us on a short Facebook video recently:  “Goldie has helped me to control my schedule and does all the work for me basically. Sends reminders to my clients, helps with retention and reduced the no-shows. I would be lost without it. It really reduces your workload.”

You can download Goldie right now from the App Store or Google Play. Take a moment and don’t miss out on this opportunity, it is your LASH chance. ;)

Eyelash extensions is a global trend which is worth analyzing and keeping an eye on. Lash artists as small business owners in the beauty industry, are great and talented individuals enjoying their careers, as they learn how to deal better with the concerns of the job. There are good solutions for the challenges faced.

In closing, I remember a couple of the little Instagram pictures seen these days, saying: ”eyes are the windows to the soul and eyelashes are the perfect pair of curtains”. And another one: “you can’t buy happiness but you can buy lashes, which is kind of the same thing”, haha. Long eyelashes are wonderful, but most of us still believe that either with long lash extensions, mascara or not, a smile is the best makeup any girl could ever wear.  So keep that heart of yours happy and never forget to wear your beautiful smile.

Have a fabuLASH weekend!